Saturday, August 10, 2013

Getting to Know Crows Better

         This morning I saw crows out and about.  One made a rattling noise to another crow.  It reminded me a situation in the previous post, which one crow made a rattling noise to another crow.  But that seemed to be a negative situation.  This one did not seem to be negative.  Both situations occurred  near the edge of a roof.  In both cases, the one bird that was approaching the edge of the roof seemed to be the bird doing the rattling.  In both cases, the bird being rattled at was sitting on the edge of the roof.
        Additionally today, while I was watching a crow flap its wings, I could hear a sound similar to that of a plastic bag.  I had never known crow wings to make noise.  This crow's wings were positioned differently.  They were not straight out.  The wings dipped in the middle while the crow was flapping.  The next one that flew by did so on silent, straight wings.  I think these two birds may also have been the same ones from the rattling situation.
         I've discovered that in certain light, crows look brown...not an almost black brown, but an interesting shade of brown...a shade that is quite dark,  yet maintains its brown quality.  I've never seen this in all of my years watching birds, until I started paying closer attention to the crows.
           In all of my years watching crows, I've never seen them flying and congregating in such large numbers during the summer and in the middle of the day.  The crows up here in North Dakota just seem...different.  They seem more vocal and seem to have a deeper sense of community.

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