When I first found out that crows were in Grand Forks, how happy I was. I was eager to transcribe their language as I had done when I lived in Schenectady, NY. But with my job and school, months went by and I only observed them a few times. Now that work is winding down and school is over my thoughts once again go to the crows. I wonder where they are, what they are doing, and how they are coping with this incredible cold. I haven't noticed any large roosting parties. I can't even remember the last time I heard a CAW. My connection with them is not strong in my heart as it was in Schenectady, NY. Here in Grand Forks, ND too many things get in the way, school, work, the bitterly cold weather during the winter, and much more. I've never seen them band together to chase a poor hawk out of the area..which is exciting...although I feel bad for the hawk.
The crows up here sport very interesting coloring. The crows in New York State look black - from far away, and up close. The crows here look black at a distance and brown close up. I've never seen that coloring on any crow before.
After years of longing to be with them, I'm finally back among the crows. I should appreciate them more and pay closer attention to them.